Friday, April 12, 2013

Gettin' Crafty: Personalized Wedding Champagne Glasses

It's time for another installment of  "Gettin' Crafty"! Here we will do a quick overview of how to make personalized champagne glasses for the reception.

God bless Pinterest. I mean really. Addicting? Sure. But it's saved me a hundred times when I get stuck on being creative. Now it's time to pay it forward and share some more for this craft. Someone posted a cute idea of having "Bride & Groom" written in rhinestones on champagne flutes for the reception. Cute idea. But I got to thinking: isn't the wedding party a huge part of this, too? So I set forth on this fun project....

Michaels craft store has the best rhinestone letters. It's perfect because the letters come as rhinestones so you don't have to carefully place the rhinestones in the shape of letters - score! Plus, Michaels either has their supplies on sale, or you can use a 40% or 50% coupon.

We got our champagne flutes from Ikea (6pk = $4.99).  Luckily we have a smaller wedding party, so a 6 pack of glasses covered all of us!

Be sure to put a piece of clear Scotch Tape as a guide for the letters so they look straight.

Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy! Total cost: $13, total assembly time: 15 minutes.

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